Under Programs/Church Ministry/Church Ministry Home, look beneath the Upcoming Church Presentations and click the Add Presentation button. Choose the church name from the drop-down menu. This will open a page where you can select the Church, add the date, time, and other presentation details for the service. Press Save when finished.

You can also perform this task if Under Programs/Church Ministry, you click View Presentations. This will present a list of upcoming and/or past church presentations. Click on the name of the church in the list for which you wish to enter a new presentation. The Church Profile page will then display. Click the Add Presentation button at the bottom of the main tile. This will open a page where you can add the date, time, and other presentation details for the service. Press Save when finished.

Church presentations can also be scheduled directly from the Church Profile page. After selecting Add Presentation, choose the Church and Presentation Date. If this is all the information available for the presentation, press Save at the bottom of the page. This will create a Church Presentation that will be identified as Incomplete since a Speaker has not yet been assigned.