Here are the steps to update your camp officers:
1. Click on the OFFICERS tab and select Camp Elections.
2. Click the Edit button in the top right which will allow you to add or edit camp officers.
3. Enter an election date and "Conducted By" information before editing your officers.
4. Finally, add, edit, and remove officers in the appropriate spaces.
If you are an Area Director or Regional Director there will be some extra steps if you are updating the elections of other camps. Here are the steps to update officers for a different camp:
1. Click on the OFFICERS tab and click your camp's name and Camp Home sub-menu. The CAMP HOME information for your camp will be displayed.
2. Select the name of the camp for which the election results are to be recorded and click the GO button. The CAMP HOME information for the selected camp will be displayed.
3. Click on the CAMP ELECTIONS tile (View More).
4. Click the EDIT button to begin the election update process.