Dues Rationale 

Context provided by International Treasurer Kevin Keck

The dues increase is necessary to help offset the administrative cost of the ministry. The old dues amounts covered less than 25% of our administrative cost. The remainder of the funds for administrative cost come from undesignated donations, legacy receipts, investments, and 4% comes from Scripture receipts, per the Operations Manual. 

The last dues increase was voted on by the membership in July 2013, eight years ago; raising our dues to cover 34% of the administrative cost. Since that time, our U.S.A. Gideon and Auxiliary membership has declined from 127,593 in July of 2013 to 96,628 as of January 2021—a 24% decrease in membership. While our Headquarters Staff have done an outstanding job controlling cost (operating on a flat budget over the last three years), there has still been an average 2% yearly increase in our administrative expenses since 2013. The combination of a declining membership and increase cost to operate a ministry in today’s world makes it necessary to raise the cost of dues. 

The dues increase is an effort to get back to Gideon and Auxiliary dues covering 35% of the administrative cost in the U.S.A., assuring that we keep the Administrative cost percentage of Scripture receipts at 4%. It is important to note, to help limit the need for such large percentage dues increases in the future, there is an addition to Article 6, Section 8 that will require the U.S.A. Gideon and Auxiliary dues to be evaluated every three years by the Finance Committee and adjusted to meet the 35% Administrative cost target. A similar percentage model is being proposed to set the lifetime dues for Gideons and Auxiliary.


Old Dues Rates:
Gideon: $60/year or $1,250 lifetime
Auxiliary: $30/year or $300 lifetime
 Couples: $90/year

New Dues Rates:
Gideon: $90/year or $2,250 lifetime
Auxiliary: $45/year or $1,125 lifetime
Couples: $135/year