To find out if someone qualifies for membership that is involved in the sale of alcohol or tobacco, please refer to the existing policies surrounding the production and sale of alcohol and tobacco. On page 88 of the Operations Manual (available in the Media/Resource Portal under the "Resource Center" tile), you’ll find the following sentence:



Any man who qualifies under the occupational categories described below, except those engaged in the manufacture or sale of alcoholic beverages, or where his income is derived from the production of tobacco, and except those engaged in a business, the character of which is inconsistent with accepted Christian standards, is eligible for membership in this Association.


The matter of a tobacco farmer is a bit more concrete than the manager of a store that sells alcohol. The tobacco farmer is directly involved in the production, manufacturing, and sale of the tobacco. Our occupational requirements would therefore disqualify him from membership in our association. The manager of a store that sells alcohol is not directly involved in the manufacturing or production of the alcohol. While he might oversee the sales of the alcohol, one distinction to consider is whether this is a primary source of revenue for the store. The intent of the rule is to prohibit a man who is generally associated with the sale of alcohol or tobacco from being recognized as representative of our association. A manager of a store such as Publix or Kroger would not generally be associated with the production or sale of alcohol, whereas the manager of a Liquor Store might. In this case, it would be prudent to determine whether or not the store itself is known for it’s alcohol sales.